In the meantime, this weekend's the Gary Air Show, and I'm covering parking lot detail. Not the sexiest thing in the world, but I'll still get to see the show, which I've never been. Plus, I was offered a chance at going up in one of the planes today when I was out there covering another Air Show story, but I couldn't in the time they had open, and really, since I'm not writing specifically about going up in a plane, I thought it would be slightly tacky to take advantage. Besides, I didn't want to have anyone report about the reporter who barfed on the pilot because she freaks out about moving heights, compelling though it may be. (Oh yeah, it's true. I do. NOT. do. fast moving high things well. At all.)
Later, I'll complain about the one guy and perhaps list every concert I've ever attended, just because it's been on my mind as something to write about.
I think you should go up in the plane and barf...I mean you’d be the first reporter on scene to write the story up.